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Dancewear, Dance Shoes, Dance Sneakers, Ballet Uniforms, Leotards, Jazz Pants, etc

The Best Dance Moves in the World.... Ever!

The Best Dance Moves in the World.... Ever!

Dance moves are like building blocks that can either enliven a simple side-to-side shuffle, or be joined up to create a dazzling night-long display. Starting with the basics, this book gives you the lowdown on the history of dance, pioneers of dance and what you should know before you hit the dance floor. It takes you on a tour of the 100 dance moves that you need to know, including: SIMPLE MOVES such as The Swim and The Smooch. SLICK MOVES like The Grapevine, The Madison and The Charleston, CLASSIC MOVES including The Twist, Vogue, Thriller and Time Warp, MOVIE MOVES inspired by Saturday Night Fever, Pulp Fiction, and many more. Covering dances suitable for all tastes in music, from funk, disco and soul, through RnB and rock 'n' roll, to pop, punk and even rave. Clear step-by-step instructions, easily understood illustrations, the readers' health, self-confidence and ability to have a good time are all given a thorough workout.

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